Privacy & Cookie Policy

Enform Servicos de Tecnologia Ltda. (“Enform”) is concerned about the privacy and protection of the personal data of its users, customers, employees, partners, suppliers and all other holders of personal data, and is committed to ensuring that these rights are respected, observing the applicable laws, especially Law No. 13,709/2018 (“General Personal Data Protection Law” or “LGPD”).

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) aims to inform users of the Enform website (, customers, partners, suppliers and other data subjects how their personal data will be treated when they access and use the website, or when they interact with Enform by any other means.

If you have any questions about the content of this Policy, please contact our Manager directly at [email protected].

1. How do we collect your personal data?

When you access and use our website or interact with Enform in other ways, we may collect your personal data in different ways, such as those indicated below:

– By the provision of information by you, when you fill in your details to subscribe to our newsletter, to download our free content, to request more information about our services, to participate in selection processes or when you contact us directly by other means or communication channels, such as telephone, text message, e-mail or posts on our social networks.

– By the automatic collection of data, such as information on your device type, your device’s unique identifier number, browser type, geographical location, through your browser’s tools and other technologies, such as geographical location, session recordings and cookies (see section 7 of this Policy).

– By receiving your personal data through referrals or from other people who share your data with us to enable you to participate in selection processes conducted by Enform.

– By receiving your personal data from our partners, service providers, suppliers or third parties, such as in cases where we have a business relationship with your employer, when we may receive your personal data to guarantee our communication and confirm your identity as an employee of that company. We also receive your personal data from our clients, with whom you have a business or employment relationship, in order to provide our certification services.

2. Why do we collect your personal data?

Enform processes your personal data for various purposes, depending on your relationship with us and the way you interact with Enform. The main purposes for which we collect, process or otherwise process your personal data include the following:

– To promote our activities. We will process your personal data to send you our newsletter and information about our services, studies, news, articles, videos or any other content or material we produce, in order to promote our activities.

– For marketing, sending information about our products or services. If you already have a business relationship or have interacted with us previously, or have registered to receive Enform newsletters, to download our materials or to contact us about our services, we may process your personal data for marketing and to send you information about the services provided by Enform.

– To contact potential clients, leads and prospects. If you have filled in the forms on our website or contacted us directly to ask questions or request a quote for our services, or to download our content from the website, or if we identify that you or your organization may be interested in our services, we will process your personal data to promote our activities and to contact you and share it with you.

– To improve the quality of advertisements. We will process your personal data to target our marketing campaigns and segment content according to your interests, so that you receive personalized information that may be more appropriate to your profile.

– To answer your questions, compliments, complaints, suggestions and communicate with you. When you contact us, whether through our website, by telephone, by e-mail, or by any other means of communication, we will process your personal data so that we can communicate with you, answering your questions, compliments, complaints or suggestions, as well as any messages you may have sent us, including technical problems with the use of our website.

– To conduct satisfaction surveys. We may process your personal data in order to carry out satisfaction surveys, to identify whether the services we provide are being carried out satisfactorily and with excellence and what can be changed to improve usability and operability.

– To recruit new employees. When you send us your CV via our website, by email, social networks, instant messaging applications, among others, or when we receive your CV from third parties or when we have an open selection process and are looking for professionals in the market, we will process your personal data for the purpose of recruiting new employees, contacting them and allowing them to take part in all the stages of the respective selection processes, such as
interviews, group dynamics, among other activities inherent to the recruitment process, in order to assess the compatibility of your professional profile with the characteristics of the open position.

– For the provision of our services. We will process your personal data when necessary to conduct audits for the certification process of our clients, including by sharing this data with external auditors and government agencies responsible for issuing certificates.

– To analyze the use of our website. When you access and browse our site, we will process your personal data to understand aspects related to the use of the site, such as the pages that were visited and the duration of the visits, downloads of content from the site carried out, the most used tools, among other aspects related to the use of the site, in order to improve the content that is provided to visitors, customers and data subjects, as well as processing your personal data to identify the adherence rate of the emails we send and the interaction with the content we publish, in order to understand which materials we produce are being best received by our users.

– To guarantee the security of our site. We will process your personal data to guarantee the security of the site, evaluating unusual patterns in relation to its use, large requests for unexpected access, access attempts with invalid logins and passwords, among other actions that may indicate a cyber attack or against the confidentiality, integrity or availability of our systems.

– To comply with legal or regulatory obligations or court orders. When we need to comply with legal or regulatory obligations or court orders, we will process your personal data that is necessary for such purposes, including by sharing this data with public bodies and the judiciary.

– To defend us in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings. Where necessary, we will process your personal data to defend our interests in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings brought by you or a third party against us, or brought by us against you or a third party.

– To ensure the security of our facilities and employees. If you come to our physical premises, we will process your personal data to ensure the security of our employees and our premises, including the security of the information we store, be it personal data, trade secrets or other corporate information.

– To guarantee the protection of your health, the health of our employees and third parties. If you come to our premises in person, we will process your personal data to ensure that you, our employees or third parties do not have any symptoms of an infectious disease that could compromise everyone’s health.

– To evaluate new acquisitions. We will process your personal data when it is necessary in the process of evaluating new acquisitions of products, services or shareholdings in other organizations, especially during the process of
during which we may have access to information about employees of the organizations we are evaluating as business partners or as potential equity acquisitions.

– To investigate any reports. When you initiate or are involved in a complaint made through our Whistleblowing Channel, about conduct that is not in line with our corporate values or that violates current legislation, we may process your personal data in order to investigate the complaints made and, if you were the complainant and choose to reveal your identity, to report to you the outcome of the process relating to the complaints, if applicable.

– Holding meetings, videoconferences or telephone conferences. We will process your personal data in order to hold meetings, videoconferences or telephone conferences, including, depending on the medium used, your image and voice, as well as identification data and email correspondence, in order to send invitations and links to access meetings.

– To carry out internal audits. We will process your personal data when it is necessary to carry out internal audits of our platforms and systems, including in relation to financial, tax and accounting audits, audits of compliance with the laws and regulations to which we are subject, audits for Enform’s accreditation and certification processes, audits of financial and risk controls, audits for the reorganization, sale, assignment or transfer of part or all of our assets, or any other audits that are necessary or relevant for the proper development of our business.

– To receive referrals from third parties. We will process your personal data when we receive indications from third parties about your potential interest, or the potential interest of your organization, in contracting our services, allowing us to subsequently contact you to present our services.

3. What data do we collect?

To achieve the purposes indicated above, we may process one or more of the following personal data, to the extent necessary for the respective purposes:

– User registration data. When you are a user of the site, we will process data such as your email address to receive our newsletter and marketing emails. For Enform’s Sales team to contact you about our services and quotes, as well as for you to download our content from the site, we will process the data you fill in on the forms, such as your full name, e-mail address, telephone number, your job title and your company.

– Usage and device data. We will process data relating to your use of the site, such as clicks, page scrolling, cursor scrolling and pages visited, duration of visits, geolocation, date and time of access, IP of your device, browser used, type of device, language preference, functionalities used, registrations made, among others.

– Other information. We will process additional data that may be voluntarily entered by users in CVs or in communications sent to Enform via the website in the “Contact” area, by e-mail, post, telephone or any other means.

4. With whom is your personal data shared?

We may share your personal data with:

– Companies in our Economic Group. We may share your personal data with other companies in our economic group in order to improve our products or services and gain efficiency in our business, such as in the case of the use of single or integrated systems between companies in the same group.

– Our partners, service providers and suppliers. In order to carry out our business activities, we maintain relationships with and contract various partners, service providers and suppliers who are essential to our business. Some of these partners and suppliers may need access to the personal data we collect in order to carry out their functions as providers of cloud data hosting services or solutions for sending email communications, auditors, banks and affiliated companies, in which cases we will share your personal data with them. We carry out an assessment of all our partners and suppliers, requiring that personal data be handled in compliance with all applicable laws and guaranteeing information security, in order to minimize any risks when sharing data.

– External advisors. We may share your personal data with external advisors who provide services to us, including financial, accounting, legal or technical advisors, auditors, and who need access to the data in order to carry out the activities for which they have been contracted.

– Government Authorities. We may share your personal data with any and all Governmental Authorities that request it, including labor inspection agencies, in order to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, as well as with municipalities for the provision of our certification services to clients.

– Judiciary.We may share your personal data with judicial bodies whenever it is necessary for us to comply with a court order, our legal or regulatory obligations, or for the regular exercise of our rights.

– Police Authorities. We may share your personal data with law enforcement authorities or agencies with police powers, such as the Public Prosecutor’s Office, whenever we believe that there is suspicion or confirmation of any illegal or criminal act, when necessary to protect our employees, our rights and our property, even when there is no legal or regulatory obligation requiring the sharing.

– With third parties interested in combining or acquiring our businesses.We may share your personal data with third parties interested in the combination or acquisition of our business, with whom we are dealing about potential mergers, acquisitions or takeovers of Enform, its business units or its specific assets, either during the due diligence phase carried out by the third parties on Enform’s business or at a later time, with its definitive transfer to the acquiring company or person, where applicable. In the event of any insolvency proceedings or reorganization of Enform, your personal data may also be shared with third parties who acquire our business or assets.

– To third parties indicated by you. We may share your personal data with third parties who have been appointed by you, at your request and on the basis of your consent.

5. What are the legal bases that authorize the processing of your personal data?

All our personal data processing operations are always carried out on the basis of a legal basis provided for in the applicable legislation, in accordance with the particularities of each data processing activity.

Among the legal hypotheses that authorize the processing of your personal data that are used by us to enable our processing activities are the following:

– Compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation. In certain situations, we process your personal data based on the need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

– Execution of contract. When we enter into a contract with you, or when we are carrying out preliminary procedures relating to the contract, we will process your personal data that is necessary for the performance of the contract, such as your full name, e-mail address, telephone number, address.

– Regular exercise of rights. We may process your personal data when it is necessary to allow the regular exercise of our rights in contracts, or in administrative, judicial or arbitration proceedings, such as, for example, the indication of your registration data in a legal claim filed by you against Enform.

– Protection of life and limb. We will process your personal data when it is necessary for the protection of your life or physical safety or that of third parties, for example, when taking your temperature before allowing you to enter one of our physical facilities, to ensure that you do not show signs of infection by infectious diseases that could contaminate our employees or third parties.

– Legitimate interest. We will process your personal data when we have a legitimate interest in processing it, except where your fundamental rights and freedoms prevail, such as when we promote our activities by sending emails to our customers.

– Guarantee of fraud prevention and security of the data subject. We will process your personal data when it is necessary to guarantee the prevention of fraud and the security of the data subject, in processes of identification and authentication of registrations in electronic systems.

– Consent. When we have no other legal basis for processing your personal data, we may process your personal data on the basis of your free, unambiguous and informed consent, which can be revoked at any time, free of charge and easily.

For further details on the legal basis used for a specific processing of personal data carried out by us, please contact our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

6. How long your data is processed,

Enform is committed to processing your personal data only for the period necessary to achieve the specific purposes of each processing, retaining the data for the shortest possible period, taking into account all existing legal and regulatory obligations and the need to defend Enform’s interests in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings.

In this sense, the retention periods for each category of personal data are defined by Enform according to the specific characteristics of each processing, including the nature of the data, the purposes for the processing, existing legal or regulatory obligations, among other criteria relevant to this definition.

In certain cases, we have legal obligations that require us to keep personal data for specific periods, such as your IP address, time and date of each access to our website, which must be retained for at least 6 months, in compliance with article 15 of the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet.

For more information on specific retention periods, please contact [email protected].

7. Cookies

Cookies are text or image files that are made available on our website and stored on the devices used by the Users who access them, for the purposes of operation, performance and optimization of navigation. These cookies can also be used to evaluate performance metrics, allow the site to function correctly and make it more secure, provide a better user experience, understand how the site works and where it needs to be improved, and collect information about user behavior. There are various types of cookies. At, we use the following cookies:

– Strictly necessary cookies. They are essential for the functioning of our website, to guarantee its security and proper performance, without which it would not function correctly.

– Preferential cookies. These store information about your preferences, such as your language and region, allowing for a better browsing experience on the site.

– Analysis cookies. They collect information about your behavior while browsing our site, such as the pages that are accessed, the time of visit, the pages that are not frequently accessed, in order to allow us to improve the quality of the site.

We use cookies based on our legitimate interest, but if you object to their use you can refuse the installation of these cookies or remove them from your browser or device, with the exception of strictly necessary cookies, which are essential for the website to function correctly. An example of cookies we use are those provided by Google Analytics, which help us to understand how users interact with our website, so that we can find opportunities to improve our services. If you want to manage your cookie preferences, you can set your browser or device to remove them. However, by doing so, you are aware that some features may not work properly and that your experience with Enform may not be as personalized, compromising the usability of the site.

Each browser provides its own means of configuring cookies. By accessing the respective websites, you will be subject to the privacy policies of other companies, which may not be consistent with or similar to the terms of this Policy. To find out more about managing and deleting cookies from your browser, visit:

– How to remove cookies in Google Chrome

– How to remove cookies in Mozilla Firefox

– How to remove cookies in Internet Explorer

– How to remove cookies in Safari

In, our communication channel software, they are not used.

8. What are your rights as a data subject?

You have a number of rights in relation to your personal data and Enform is committed to fully respecting them. Among the rights available to you are the following:

– Confirmation of the existence of processing. Question whether we process your personal data, confirming whether or not such processing takes place.

– Access to data. Request a copy of your personal data that we process, either electronically, securely and properly, or in printed form, depending on your preference.

– Rectification. Request the correction of your personal data that is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date.

– Anonymization, blocking or deletion. Request the anonymization, blocking or deletion of your personal data in cases where unnecessary, excessive or non-compliant data is processed.

– Portability. Request the portability of your personal data to other content platforms, in accordance with the regulations issued by the National Data Protection Authority, observing Enform’s commercial and industrial secrecy, if any.

– Information on sharing. Request information about the public and private entities with which we share your personal data.

– Information on the possibility of withholding your consent. Receive information on the possibility of not providing your consent, when consent is the applicable legal basis for the processing of personal data, with an indication of the consequences of such refusal.

– Revoking consent. You can revoke your consent easily and free of charge by simply communicating your decision to the Enform Administrator. It is important for you to know that revoking consent does not invalidate or render unlawful any personal data processing activities that took place before the date of revocation.

– Opposition to processing. Oppose the processing, indicating your reasons for doing so, in cases where consent is not the legal basis applicable to the processing of your personal data and when there is any non-compliance with the LGPD. Enform will assess whether your objection is justified or not, taking the necessary measures to suspend processing or inform you of the grounds on which it understands that processing is lawful and permitted.

– Complaint. File a complaint regarding Enform’s processing of your personal data with the National Data Protection Authority. However, we hope that, before doing so, you will give us the opportunity to answer any questions or complaints you may have directly. Our Data Protection Officer is available to answer any questions and assist you in processing any complaints.

– Deletion of data processed with consent. Request the deletion of your data, in cases where your consent is the legal basis for a particular processing activity, with the exception of the possibility of continuing to store the data when it is necessary for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation, or for the defense of our interests in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings.

All these rights may be exercised by you at any time, free of charge, unless a fee is permitted under current legislation or regulations, and Enform undertakes to use its best endeavors to respond to your requests transparently and promptly.

In order to guarantee that your rights are being exercised by you or your duly constituted legal representative, Enform may request the necessary information or proof of your identity, in order to prevent fraud and guarantee your privacy, so that your personal data is not shared with anyone who is not authorized to do so.

We will respond to your requests within a reasonable period of time, in accordance with the applicable legislation, bearing in mind that we will only be able to respond to some requests once we have received the confirmations provided for above.

In certain cases, such as when your request is particularly complex or when we receive a high volume of requests at the same time, we may not be able to respond as quickly as we would like. On these occasions, we will always keep you informed and updated on the progress of your request.

9. Information Security

Enform adopts technical and organizational measures, based on good market practices, to protect your personal data against unauthorized access or unlawful or accidental situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or any other form of inappropriate treatment. Your data is stored in a segregated and secure operating environment that is not accessible to the public.

Among the measures we adopt to protect your personal data are: access controls, password management of assets (encryption), monitoring of access to local networks and remote connections via VPN, user authentication, antivirus, firewall, maintenance of backup copies, periodic testing and scanning of systems, among others.

We maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards to support the protection of the personal information you share with us. These actions are associated with the effort to prevent security incidents, such as loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, destruction or any counter-attacks perpetrated by malicious people, which can be highly sophisticated and innovative, with techniques and methods unknown until then, even by the best information security tools.

We know that no internet transmission is 100% secure, so the security of your data also depends on you taking reasonable measures when using your devices and software.If you identify or become aware of anything that could compromise the security of your personal data, or of any possible vulnerability in our website or systems, please contact us.

10.Third-party websites

Our website may provide links to third-party websites.These websites, in turn, have their own privacy policies, which may not be compatible with this Policy. We recommend that you consult the respective privacy policies of these third parties to find out about their personal data protection practices. Enform is not responsible for the regularity of the data protection practices of third-party websites, nor for their content, which is in no way validated, ratified or endorsed by Enform.

11. How to contact us

If you have any questions about this Policy or the way in which your personal data is processed by Enform, or if you would like to make any complaints, suggestions or comments about our personal data processing practices, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We have a duly appointed Data Protection Officer who is ready to answer all your questions or complaints and is the point of contact for your communication with Enform regarding the processing of your personal data.

Our Manager can be contacted directly at the following e-mail address: [email protected]

12. Controller data

Enform Servicos de Tecnologia Ltda., a limited company, registered with the CNPJ/ME under No. 29.325.233./0001-46, with its registered office at Avenida Ataulfo de Paiva, 1079, 6ºandar, Leblon, in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, CEP 22440-034, is the Controller of your personal data, as defined in the General Personal Data Protection Law.

13. Updates

As our aim is always to improve our services, this Privacy Policy may undergo changes and updates over time, to better reflect our personal data processing practices and provide greater security and transparency to our operations.

When relevant changes are made, we will post a notice on the main page of our websites so that you can quickly identify the existence of an updated version of this Policy. For the personal data processing activities that we carry out and that may be based on your consent, if changes to this Privacy Policy result in effective changes to our personal data processing practices, we will ask for your consent again, based on the updated terms of this Policy.

We recommend that you check this Policy periodically to familiarize yourself with any changes.


Copyright © 2024 | ENFORM SERVICOS DE TECNOLOGIA LTDA – 35.550.780/0001-28 

Olá! Sou Adriana,
Comercial do Enform.
Como posso ajudar?